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Extra Decal Pre Processor
- Cities: Skylines 2
- ExtraAssetsImporter
- PowerShell 7
WINDOWS EMBEDED POWERSHELL IS OUTDATEDThe powershell that comes with windows is powershell 5, which doesn’t fully realize the functionality of 7!
- Setup Mod toolchain in CS2, basically check it in game.
- Follow the tutorial to create mods that depend on EAI, this article does not focus on these.
- Build decals.
Let’s assume a scenario where you have a folder for all your HD decals (.png) and you need to create uniform decals and thumbnails based on these decals.
So you have:
│ a.png
│ b1.png
│ b2.png
│ b3.png
│ b4.png
│ b1.png
│ b2.png
can be obtained from the EAI example.
Place build.ps1
and decal.json
to this directory. Then:
│ build.ps1
│ decal.json
│ a.png
│ b1.png
│ b2.png
│ b3.png
│ b4.png
│ b1.png
│ b2.png
Content in build.ps1
function GenerateIconAndMesh {
try {
$originalImage = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($file.FullName)
$maxSize = [Math]::Max($originalImage.Width, $originalImage.Height)
$aspectRatio = $originalImage.Width / $originalImage.Height
$squareImage = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $maxSize, $maxSize
$graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($squareImage)
$x = ($maxSize - $originalImage.Width) / 2
$y = ($maxSize - $originalImage.Height) / 2
$graphics.DrawImage($originalImage, $x, $y, $originalImage.Width, $originalImage.Height)
$resizedImage = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap 128, 128
$resizeGraphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($resizedImage)
$resizeGraphics.InterpolationMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode]::HighQualityBicubic
$resizeGraphics.DrawImage($squareImage, 0, 0, 128, 128)
$newFilePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($file.DirectoryName, "icon.png")
Write-Host "Saved icon to $newFilePath"
$jsonPath = Join-Path $file.DirectoryName "decal.json"
if (Test-Path $jsonPath) {
$json = Get-Content $jsonPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$json.Vector.colossal_MeshSize.x = $aspectRatio * 1.5
$json.Vector.colossal_MeshSize.z = 1.5
$json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Content $jsonPath
Write-Host "Aspect Ratio = $aspectRatio"
else {
Write-Warning "decal.json not found in the directory of $($file.DirectoryName)"
catch {
Write-Warning "Error processing file $($file.FullName): $_"
finally {
# dispose
if ($null -ne $graphics) {
if ($null -ne $squareImage) {
if ($null -ne $resizedImage) {
if ($null -ne $originalImage) {
Get-ChildItem | Foreach-Object {
if ($_.Extension -eq ".png") {
$folder = "./$($_.BaseName)"
mkdir $folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$base = "./$($_.BaseName)/_BaseColorMap.png"
Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $base
# $icon = "./$($_.BaseName)/icon.png"
# Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $icon
if (Test-Path ./decal.json) {
Copy-Item ./decal.json -Destination $folder
else {
Write-Warning "decal.json not found"
GenerateIconAndMesh(Get-Item $base)
Run this script in a terminal. A quick way to open a terminal is to type pwsh
in explorer’s bar.
Now you’ve got everything done.
Extra Decal Pre Processor